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Extinction of Dinosaurs linked to Malaria
Published: 2nd Apr 2016
The oldest strain of malaria has been discovered in a biting midge preserved in amber that dates back some 100 million years. Known…Read more...
Evolution of a Top Predator – T rex
Published: 15th Mar 2016
A new discovery of a dinosaur the size of a horse in northern Uzbekistan could revolutionise our understanding of the early development…Read more...
Drilling into Extinction
Published: 13th Mar 2016
Scientists are planning to drill into the Chicxulub crater formed by the impact of the asteroid that helped to wipe out the dinosaurs.…Read more...
Jurassic Life on Mars!
Published: 8th Mar 2016
UFO and alien spotters are excited by new images of Mars released by NASA that seem to show the shape of a fossil T rex skull on the…Read more...
Attenborough and the Giant Dinosaurs
Published: 23rd Jan 2016
David Attenborough features the amazing story of the world’s largest dinosaur on BBC1 on January 24th. Starting with the discovery…Read more...